How does the loyalty program work?

To join the Earn Your Stripes Club, there's no need to register. You automatically become a member with your first order. With every dollar spent, you earn a point. That means $1 equals 1 point!
Levels and rewards
We have four levels in our loyalty program: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
As you make purchases, you'll earn more points, allowing you to unlock rewards as you advance to higher levels.

EARN POINTSFrequently asked questions
How do I know when I have reached a new level?
We keep our customers informed via email when they are on the verge of reaching a new level, as well as when they successfully reach it!
Are the points from my past orders accurately counted?
Yes! Your orders placed before the implementation of the loyalty program are included in the point count.
I WANT MY REWARDWe hope you enjoy this program, and we can't wait for you to experience its benefits.